This website is constructed according to the W3C's HTML 5 and CSS 3 standards. Although all pages may not be 100% compliant, pages conform to the standards as closely as possible.
This website is also constructed in accordance with MSU's Web Accessibility Policy. Detailed accessibility guidelines and resources are available on the MSU Accessibility website.
Internet Explorer: This site supports Internet Explorer version 9 and higher. The latest version of Internet Explorer can be downloaded from Microsoft's website.
Firefox - This site supports the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, which can be downloaded from Mozilla's website.
This site also supports the latest version of Webkit, a rendering engine used by web browsers such as Google Chrome and Apple Safari.
Browser Settings
This site uses cascading style sheets (CSS) to control presentation. Turning off style sheets will affect the visual presentation and may affect site functionality for some users.
This site uses Javascript, particularly the jQuery JavaScript library, to implement some features. Turning off client-side scripting will affect the functionality of some site features.
Required Applications
Acrobat Reader: PDF documents can be viewed by downloading the free Adobe Reader program. If you are having problems reading a pdf from this site, it may be because your version of Acrobat Reader is out of date. Click on the link above to upgrade your copy of Acrobat Reader to the latest version.